Formally confirming that your products and services meet all trusted external and internal standards.
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Validating the specifications, value and safety of your raw materials, products and assets.
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Evaluating how your products and services meet and exceed quality, safety, sustainability and performance standards.
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Equip your team with the vital training they need to remain at the top of their profession.
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UNICERT is committed to offering management system certifications to any organizations, by complying with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17021-1: 2015.
UNICERT is committed to impartiality in management system certification activities and understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out management system certification activities, managing any risk from conflicts of interest so that they do not exist, or are resolved so not to adversely influence subsequent activities of UNICERT and ensuring the presence of objectivity of management system certification activities. All UNICERT employees sign impartiality and confidentiality declaration form.
UNICERT gains privileged access to information that is needed for a certification body to assess conformity to requirements for certification adequately. UNICERT does not disclose any confidential information and information about the client from sources other than the client (e.g. complainant, regulators). All UNICERT employees sign impartiality and confidentiality declaration forms.
UNICERT has documented procedures for the suspension, withdrawal or reduction of the scope of certification and to specify the subsequent actions. UNICERT suspends certification in cases when the client’s certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements or the client does not allow surveillance or recertification audits or voluntarily requests a suspension. UNICERT reduces the scope of certification to exclude the parts not meeting the requirements, when the certified client has persistently or seriously failed to meet the certification requirements for those parts of the scope of certification.
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